AI is revolutionizing many domains including ours.
But, AI solving all problems alone is an illusion.
No matter the size of your company or the domain you work in,
we can help you to reach better design decision efficiency
for all of your communication materials.
Our methodology, which is at the core of our solution, aims to understand what is the best for you. Depending on your needs, we can answer your questions within a few days maximum.
We will always ask you questions about the context of the material you want to analyze.
Then our AI will analyze the image or the video you would have send us.
Finally, our expert will give you recommendations and will answer to all of your questions.
Our artificial intelligence adapts to all communication material to fit as close as possible the characteristics of each of them.
Based on our expertise in human attention and our experience, we developed innovative metrics to answer all our clients' questions.
Our team of experts use these metrics to give you personalized recommendations.
Depending on your needs, our solution can be used autonomously or not through our dedicated platform.
If you have a question or you need help, our experts remain available at all times.